Saturday, June 2, 2012
Campus Vibes 2012
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Janta hai mera baap kuan hai – Lokpal!
Law of the land can keep only a certain check on the proceedings. We have already certain laws in place to curb corruption yet the many who are expected to minimum follow it are accused of overlooking it and we have the ex chief justice of the nation, chief minister of a state, many bureaucrats as living witnesses to this reality. Certainly a stronger law on paper (Ethics) is needed but what we really need this hour is a clearer law written in the heart of the people (Ethos). This Ethos is needed at every walk of life and at every level.
As you read this – if you are employed , ask yourselves if you have shown fake rent receipts to save some tax – then you are corrupt on the first place! If you have got a land or a certificate or anything from any government office by bribing 100 or 200 INR or higher to any official or third party then you are corrupt! If you have violated the traffic rules and have paid 100 INR to be let off by the police since you had to rush in to go to the Temple or Church or Mosque to pray - then you are also corrupt and even God cant deny it ! So as per Jan Lokpal what shall we do with the corrupt – minimum 5 years or life imprisonment? I think these must be first applied to all those who are sitting and calling the politicians corrupt no doubt most are but how can you point to the dirt in some one ‘s eye when you have a big log in yours? And as a nation we need to ask these questions ourselves how corrupt are we and are we ready to take on ourselves this big dictorial and almost larger than life Jan Lokpal law.
I don’t know if which Lokpal will come – Lokpal of the people’s representatives or the Jan Lokpal of the so called people’s representatives but Lokpal or Jan Lokpal – we need to build a generation which writes this law of integrity on to their hearts. How will the coming generation learn it until the present generation teaches it? How can we teach it if we don’t practice it? How can we practice it if we don’t believe that we can do it? Believe yourselves; don’t be in hurry to get things done for yourselves, don’t encourage the corrupt, and resist them with your patience. A patient man’s curry is far better than the fury of the impatient!
Source :
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Campuses on fire !
The Campus Vibes 2010 training got over on June 3rd evening.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Day 3: Outreach-Go into the world and preach my gospel
Ready set go:-The participants began their day with jogging exercises lead by the trio Samuel, Charles and Stenson. After which, Dona emphasized the need to reach out to our fellow human beings and see the face of Christ in every individual.
The day was filled with various outreach program; they were divided into groups and sent out to places like- the missionaries of charity, cancer center, Jesus youth child support program office and Ernakulum south railway station.
As they returned back with rich experience, Annie and John Wilfred (elder of Jesus Youth national team) inspired them to inculcate such ‘attitude’ in their daily lives and shared how the Lord through such ‘attitude’ prepares oneself for a personal mission. Dhanya, part of Jesus Youth national team and currently working on a health project in Ranchi, shared her experience, of how she identified her personal mission. She said, it took her almost ten years and different life situations to realize her personal mission or the personal call that the Lord had for her.
The day ended with participants watching the movie Karol-the man who became pope (a true story based on the life of our late Pope John Paul the 2nd).
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Campus Vibes 2010: The 3rd series-Reloaded back in God’s own country
It was an evening filled with lot of fun as Livin finally broke the ice; Charles took them for a ride (key note) and Stenson Johny made them abide (instructions).
Day 1: The Retreat- This is the day that the Lord as made and we will rejoice and be glad in him.
The day started with praise and worship followed by a time for personal prayer. Our dear Fr. Abraham Pallivathuckal was all geared up as he guided us to understand the power of the Trinity in our lives and helped nourish ourselves with the scriptures. The day continued with Fr. Cherian Nereveettil reflecting on inner healing and encouraged us to have a “Heart Talk” with Jesus during the adoration. The Participants had a great day and went to bed with a renewed experience of Jesus.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the word was God. Sr.Thressiamma, the animator of Jesus Youth National team, helped the participants to reflect on their lives in relation to the scriptures. Followed by Anu Pinheiro, challenging and asking the participants to reflect on what it takes to be a Jesus Youth. As time went by, the participants were taught to have “goals in their walk of faith” by Elvis Kootturin.
The day ended with participants sharing their experiences of the two day retreat cum reflection and with a little game to realize how we are the children of God.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Campus Vibes 2010

Campus Vibes is back with a bang!
This year too we are blessed with a bunch of committed missionaries from different parts of India. The preparations for the training are in the final stage. The Program team, venue and local Jesus youth all are ready to welcome the participants.
Let's step up the prayers and make this a fruitful event.
Date- 26/05/10 Wednesday to 03/06/10 Thursday
Venue- Alpha pastoral center, Eda kochi,Cochin.
Registration fees- 2000
Weather-Hot and Humid with an average of 29 degree C
Travel arrangements- Ernamkulam Town and South with be the closest railway-stations.
Please feel free to contact us in need of any help.
-Office campus ministry-080-42246081(
-Stenson Johny -09895131209-(
-Reji Francis -09746254400 (
Monday, September 7, 2009
People who can radically challenge this generation!
Campus Ministry is a powerful instrument for moulding generations for Christ- to prepare today’s youngsters to become Missionaries. I have experienced that power during the 7 years of my college education. The College prayer groups have helped me to build my life on the Rock, through many senior JY, Elders, priests & Religious. For me, it was like 7 holistic years of formation in a “Faith Formation Centre”. I was taught, trained and exposed to an in-house training on how to look at Catholic Spirituality in the context of Contemporary World. I came through a deeper conviction that Jesus has a powerful plan and higher thought about University Campuses, and it happened after seeing with my own eyes the changed lives of hundreds of young people!
Like me, many people had a Dream ‘to win the campus today and to change the world tomorrow’.
To win people for Christ, build them in Catholic faith, Train them in building up a ministry and then send them to reach out to others.
It happened in the last years and it will happen again! And let nothing stop this dream to unfold, get it visualized through your youth groups and become a life-giving experience!
Few decades back, when Jesus Youth campus prayer groups started growing in different parts of Kerala, no one had imagined or dreamt about youngsters from universities could be changed into missionaries..No one thought about a One Year Full Time Commitment for the Lord…Their dreams were smaller and the Lord gave us big dreams, he put on the wings to fly and to move out to youngsters in various parts of not only India, but in over 25 Countries!
So when you speak or share about Jesus to a youngster in a Campus, It has much and more greater impact today…
We can see the beautiful work of Holy Spirit through Philip in Acts chapter 8. Philip allowed the Holy Spirit to work in him; the Ethiopian got baptized and the Gospel was sent to Africa!
In the university campus evangelization, Holy Spirit takes the centre stage. If the disciple teaches, it is because the Spirit teaches the disciple (Luke 12:12).If the listener is convinced, it is because the Spirit has penetrated his heart (John 16:10). If the listener is converted, it is by the transforming power of the Spirit (Roman 8:11).
You have the same Spirit working with you that Philip did. Let the Spirit of the Lord take control of your thoughts and steps. An Angels’ voice may not come with flashing and flickering lights, may be a soft voice while you are a youngster in your Campus!
I do believe that the National Campus Meet 2009 is an opportunity to listen to God’s Voice and to understand His thoughts.
“My thoughts.” says the Lord, “are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours, and my ways are different from yours. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours. My word is like the snow and the rain that come down from the sky to water the earth. They make the crops grow and provide seed for planting and food to eat. So also will be the word that I speak – It will not fail to do what I plan for it; It will do everything O send it to do” (Isaiah 55:8 – 11)
Running the race with you all!
Navin Bruce Thomas
JY International Team.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
LIFE IS SO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
i really understood it because my grandmother was admitted to hospital for 27 days and as i was somewhat free my parents made me to care my grandmother and majority of my time was spend in the hospital
In one way the building was too cool and well decorated but other sense it was the deciding place for ones life if u go in 1. u can be completely cured or else death how fearful the life becomes to go in such places and also even it becomes the place for frequent and strong prayers those who never prayed even call out lords name for more than thousand times
When i was der i saw many crying for der ailment many feeling hopeless due to their such sudden ailments, also some came afternoon then took the dead body of the patient at night is life that short??? really i thanked my lord for giving me my healthy life
But is that enough if anything happens than a big question will come
what i did in my life ?????????????
LIVE A REAL LIFE.................
Thursday, August 27, 2009

HI friends all written here is the true thing as it is the word of god given by lord himself
really not written by any single person but by many through the messages of holy spirit
it is too wonderful to know that it took around 1600 years to complete the whole bible
and the word of god was placed sacredly only on altars by the father like the holy eucharist till the 19 th century then due to the peoples demand to know what it is written in it ,Bible became like selling book and its importance decreased
then also it is now the best selling book with more than 100 million readers the funny thing is only readers and very less followers of it so
be a true follower and whatever you got in vibes startsharing to the whole world
keep rocking friends in lord.........................................
here i want to share about how cv changed a baroda youth robin a wonderful zeal has been filled in him to do anything for the lord
he was trying to do many things though people are less but all are now in a good growing formation in the lord many who were busyand not able to attend or involve in parish ministry are now a part of jy through campus ministry
and really lord wants him to go on with the same zeal that is again to reload the fire in him and that happend by the visit of regi bhaiya and victor bhaiya
Robin and i was very happy and used their visit fully they actually came for the national conference and i was thinking they would be speaking only about it but it was in the other way
Whomsoever they met they encouraged about work going and tried to give inputs for the ministry it was very joyful moment though they didn't allowd me to sleep
even they with beautiful sharing also entrusted small works to some of the youth for the conference and thus beautifully involved them in it as apart of it
I was happy that the vibes in me was again recreated by them and in robin it became more stronger praise god for he prepares the way for his workers
Thanking all the national campus team for again and again visting baroda and caring the youth here we keep the ministry always in prayers
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
While returning home after CV,we missed the Coromandel Exp bound for howrah,scheduled to leave at 8:45am due to our late arrival.Our ticket money couldn't be refunded and to add to our trouble we had to spend extra money on booking new tickets of the next immediate train that was available.We were left with few hundred bucks. On hearing of our situation Rohit's Gujrat friend's friend who is working in Chennai approached us with Rs 3000/- in case if we encountered any problem during journey.What amazed me was that though we were strangers to each other yet he trusted us. We boarded Howrah Exp same night but had to spend that night on the floor since our tickets were in waiting list . I felt really embarrased sleeping near wash basin but it was a humbling experience. We were assured to get confirmed berths towards next evening but our prayers didn't go unanswered , before afternoon we got the confirmation.
This not only happened on our return journey but also on our onward journey. While travelling to kerela from howrah to chennai we were in waiting list. Few minutes left for the train to depart and we were praying desperately for a way out. It was then Fr Ramesh who came to our rescue, he was also travelling to Kerela for vacation that day. He willing shared his berth with us. I truely believe that it was the divine intervention otherwise we wouldn't be able to attend CV'O9.
Another experience was after the completion of CV. Along with Sr. Rita I had to outreach one of the parish in our deanery regarding "Indian Mission Congress and Yesu Mahoutsav". I was reluctant to go because of unknown dialect yet i went. To my surprise i was introduced as Jesus Youth which i least expected. On hearing about me, one of the priest shared about his first encounter with 2 Keralite JY nurses in one of the Haryana villages where he had been to.Overcoming the language barrier these nurses were evangelising from village to village. On hearing and seeing their committment that priest was really astonished.Later during homely that priest spoke about Jesus Youth and also introduced me to all the parishners attending mass. He appreciated JY and also invited me to introduce Jesus Youth lifestyle and prayer to the youths of that parish.Remember friends, I had shared in CV'09 about my dream of reaching out to youths of Bardhman.In the morning I was hesitant to travel to Bardhman; introducing JY there is my dream had simply slipped of my mind but the Lord remembered it.I still cant believe that my dreams are coming true!!
I praise the Lord for such beautiful experiences!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
A small Report
Campus Vibes ’09 – the National Campus Leaders’ training was a really blessing for the Campus Ministry. The programme which was held at Athmadarshan, Aluva, Kerala from 2009, May 30 – June 7, had a participation of 31 campus leaders from 9 states of
The very first day of the programme had a fabulous & creative Icebreaking; the participants really tasted the highly spiced green chilies of Kerala, along with their own strange & innovative tribal languages. Siljo Thomas, the JYNT coordinator visited the Vibes ’09 group and motivated them to get the maximum out of the training.
The first two days of the Campus Vibes gave a spiritual orientation for the participants. The retreat & reflection day were led by Fr.Abraham Pallivathukkal, Fr.Cheriyan Nereveettil. Babychayan & Dr.Appu Syriac.The participants really enjoyed the bliss of silence, on those days.
The training modules started on the 3rd day of the programme. The morning slots had an exercise & warm up session followed by jogging. We all enjoyed the morning time as it had small time slots for discussions on relevant topics.
The programme had one whole day for the group to visit Old age home & a colony in Alwaye, which was near to the training center. The experiences we had there were marvelous indeed to sharpen our view on the 6th constant of the JY movement – Option for the Poor.
The evening programme modules of CAMPUS VIBES ‘09 mainly had time to learn more on the E-world, time on storytelling about the major initiatives of the movement & how it emerged. Internet facilities were made available and the participants were allowed to access Internet at allotted time slots of the programme.
The training programme mainly covered sessions on Paradigm Shift, Presentation skills, Public speaking, current Youth Trends, Ministry building orientation and Film reviews were also included in the training part .The main resources were Adv.Raiju Varghese- JYIT member, Manoj Sunny – former JYIT coordinator, George Devassy - JYIT coordinator, Dr.Chackochan Njavally, Shelton Pinheiro, Vipin.V.Roldant, Dhanya Paul JYNT member etc. All these sessions and discussions on the current Youth trends and on the struggles they face, eventually helped them to seek out solutions. These discussions & conclusions have really helped them to dream higher for the 25000 plus campuses in
With innovative & vibrant ideas, each day of the training programme were made beautiful by the young leaders. Holy Mass celebrated at the banks of the river Periyar by Fr.Shabin & the beautiful & quiet Taize prayer done in the garden outside the venue, made the training programme more wonderful. The Vibrant team of Campus Vibes ‘09 came out with an amazing theme song at the end of the programme.
The second last day of the Campus Vibes witnessed a fellowship gathering of many senior JY leaders. The fellowship group including, Beena Manoj- senior JY & member of Rex Band, Chackochan Njavally, Soney Noble- the first Campus Ministry Coordinator, JY regional coordinators, elders of the campus ministry of Kerala Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, religious persons who support the movement including Fr.Bitaju & Sr.Thressiama – the animators of JYNT, JYNT members, National campus team & Teens team members and many regional ministry leaders were with the participants that day. The group had a beautiful time of sharing on the history of the movement & of the Campus Ministry. The fellowship group of more than 25 senior JY leaders coordinated by Dr.Edward Edezhath- Senior JY animator, has worked out well for the 31 national leaders.
The last day was mainly meant for ministry planning. .The planning session was indeed very useful and many regional gatherings were also planned in the coming days as a preparation for National Campus Meet ’09.The final anointing Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr.Abraham Pallivathukkal- former JYIT animator. With Hearts full of Joy, Dreams & prayers the Vibes ’09 has gone back to their Vineyards to do more wonders for the Lord!